sdk-routing / / RoutingApi / planBatchRoute


@DeprecatedSince(2020, 7) abstract fun planBatchRoute(batchQuery: BatchRoutingQuery): Single<BatchRoutingResponse>
Deprecated: This method is replaced by appropriate method in sdk-routing-rxjava2 module. Please visit for more details.

Performs a reactive batch computing action based on the provided BatchRoutingQuery object.


batchQuery - The object which contains the data necessary to execute the batch computing action.

BatchRoutingResponse's Single object.

@DeprecatedSince(2020, 6) abstract fun planBatchRoute(batchQuery: BatchRoutingQuery, listener: BatchableRoutingResultListener): Unit
Deprecated: This method is going to be replaced by appropriate planRoute() method

Performs a batch computing action based on the provided BatchRoutingQuery object and returns the routes in the callback.


batchQuery - The object which contains the data necessary to execute the batch computing action.

listener - The BatchableRoutingResultListener which contains data about a batch.