sdk-routing / / LongDistanceEVRoutingQuery / <init>


LongDistanceEVRoutingQuery(@NonNull origin: LatLng, @NonNull destination: LatLng, @NonNull speedConsumptionInKWhPerHundredKm: MutableMap<Double!, Double!>, @NonNull currentChargeInKWh: Double, @NonNull maxChargeInkWh: Double, @NonNull minChargeAtDestinationInkWh: Double, @NonNull minChargeAtChargingStopsInkWh: Double, @NonNull chargingModes: MutableList<NativeChargingMode!>, report: NativeReportType!, departAt: String!, routeType: NativeRouteType!, traffic: Boolean!, avoidTypes: MutableList<NativeAvoidType!>!, travelMode: NativeTravelMode!, vehicleMaxSpeedInKph: Int!, vehicleWeightInKg: Int!, vehicleAxleWeightInKg: Int!, vehicleLengthInMeters: Double!, vehicleWidthInMeters: Double!, vehicleHeightInMeters: Double!, isVehicleCommercial: Boolean!, vehicleLoadType: NativeVehicleLoadType!, vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode: NativeVehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode!, accelerationEfficiency: Double!, decelerationEfficiency: Double!, uphillEfficiency: Double!, downhillEfficiency: Double!, auxiliaryPowerInKW: Double!, avoidVignettes: MutableList<String!>!, allowVignettes: MutableList<String!>!, avoidAreas: MutableList<BoundingBox!>!, routeRepresentation: NativeRouteRepresentation!, vehicleHeading: Int!, sectionType: NativeSectionType!)

A constructor used to create an instance of LongDistanceEVRoutingQuery for the Long Distance EV Routing service. Reguired parameters:


origin - LatLng: Origin location of a route.

destination - LatLng: Destination location of a route.

speedConsumptionInKWhPerHundredKm - MutableMap<Double!, Double!>: Specifies the speed-dependent component of consumption in kWh.

currentChargeInKWh - Double: Specifies the current electric energy supply in kWh.

maxChargeInkWh - Double: Specifies the maximum electric energy supply in kWh that may be stored in the vehicle's battery.

minChargeAtDestinationInkWh - Double: The battery level upon arrival at the destination of the resulting route will be at least this much. Maximum value: maxChargeInkWh

minChargeAtChargingStopsInkWh - Double: The battery level upon arrival at each intermediate charging stop of the resulting route will be at least this much. Maximum value: 0.2 × maxChargeInkWh

chargingModes - MutableList<NativeChargingMode!>: A non-empty list of at most 10 chargingModes, which the vehicle is able to use to charge. Each chargingConnection appears in at most one chargingMode. Optional parameters:

reportType - Specifies which data should be reported for diagnosis purposes.

departAt - String!: The date and time of departure from the origin point.

routeType - NativeRouteType!: The type of route requested.

traffic - Boolean!: Specifies whether the traffic information will be considered.

avoidTypes - MutableList<NativeAvoidType!>!: Specifies something that the route calculation should try to avoid when determining the route.

travelMode - NativeTravelMode!: The mode of travel for the requested route.

vehicleMaxSpeed - Maximum speed of the vehicle in km/hour.

vehicleWeight - Weight of the vehicle in kilograms.

vehicleAxleWeight - Weight per axle of the vehicle in kg.

vehicleLength - Length of the vehicle in meters.

vehicleWidth - Width of the vehicle in meters.

vehicleHeight - Height of the vehicle in meters.

isVehicleCommercial - Boolean!: Specifies whether the vehicle is used for commercial purposes and thus may not be allowed to drive on some roads.

vehicleLoadType - NativeVehicleLoadType!: Types of cargo that may be classified as hazardous materials and restricted from some roads. The vehicleLoadType can be specified multiple times.

vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode - NativeVehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode!: If vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode is specified, the vehicle is subject to ADR tunnel restrictions.

accelerationEfficiency - Double!: Specifies the efficiency of converting chemical energy stored in fuel to kinetic energy when the vehicle accelerates.

decelerationEfficiency - Double!: Specifies the efficiency of converting kinetic energy to saved (not consumed) fuel when the vehicle decelerates.

uphillEfficiency - Double!: Specifies the efficiency of converting chemical energy stored in fuel to potential energy when the vehicle gains elevation.

downhillEfficiency - Double!: Specifies the efficiency of converting potential energy to saved (not consumed) fuel when the vehicle loses elevation.

auxiliaryPowerInKW - Double!: Specifies the amount of power consumed for sustaining auxiliary systems, in kWh.

countryCodes - Specifies countries in which all toll roads and vignettes will be allowed.

avoidAreas - MutableList<BoundingBox!>!: Specifies areas which will be avoided.

routeRepresentation - NativeRouteRepresentation!: The representation of the set of routes provided as a Response.

vehicleHeading - Int!: The directional heading of the vehicle in degrees starting at true North and continuing in a clockwise direction.

sectionType - NativeSectionType!: Specifies which of the section types is reported in the route Response. sectionType can be specified multiple times.