sdk-common / / LocationRequestsFactory


@DeprecatedSince("2020.12") open class LocationRequestsFactory
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java

Factory to create various location requests, that differs with location update time and accuracy to save the user's battery. In some cases, the user may not need too frequent updates.



open static fun create(): LocationRequestsFactory!

Static method used to create a new instance of the location request factory.


open fun createDrivingLocationRequest(): LocationRequest

Driving location request provides updates with the highest available accuracy. The update time is set to 2 seconds.


open fun createMapLocationRequest(): LocationRequest

Map location request provides updates with the highest available accuracy. The update time is set to 5 seconds.


open fun createSearchLocationRequest(): LocationRequest

Search location request provides updates with less accuracy, taking power consumption into account. The location update time is set to 5 seconds. Using this, you get less frequent updates, but the battery consumption is relatively low.