sdk-common / / Try / when


@NonNull open static fun <R : Any!> when(condition: Boolean, @NonNull value: R): Try<R>

Creates a Try from the given value. A Success is returned if the given condition is met, a Failure otherwise.


condition - Boolean: depending on this condition the value may be wrapped in Success.

value - R: will get wrapped in Try if condition is met.

- type of the value wrapped in Try.

Try<R>: Success if condition is met, Failure otherwise.

@NonNull open static fun <R : Any!> when(condition: Boolean, @NonNull supplier: Supplier<out R>): Try<R>

Lazy equivalent of Try#when(boolean, Object). Creates a Try from the value returned by the given Supplier. A Success is returned if the given condition is met, a Failure otherwise.


condition - Boolean: depending on this condition the value may be wrapped in Success.

supplier - Supplier<out R>: will return a value that will get wrapped in Try if condition is met.

- type of the value wrapped in Try.

Try<R>: Success if condition is met, Failure otherwise.

open static fun <R : Any!> when(@NonNull conditionSupplier: Supplier<Boolean!>, @NonNull valueSupplier: Supplier<out R>, @NonNull errorSupplier: Supplier<out Throwable!>): Try<R>!