sdk-common / / Try / filter


open fun filter(@NonNull predicate: Predicate<in T>): Try<T>!

Returns a Failure if this Try represents a failed computation. Returns a Failure if the value does not satisfy the predicate or an Exception is thrown when testing the predicate. Returns Success otherwise.


predicate - Predicate<in T>: used to check the value.

Try<T>!: a Try instance.

abstract fun filter(@NonNull predicate: Predicate<in T>, @NonNull supplier: Supplier<out Throwable!>): Try<T>!

Returns a Failure if this Try represents a failed computation. Returns a Failure if the value does not satisfy the predicate or an Exception is thrown with testing the predicate. Returns Success otherwise.

If the predicate is not satisfied resulting Failure will be taken from the given Supplier.


predicate - Predicate<in T>: used to check the value.

supplier - Supplier<out Throwable!>: returns a Throwable used if the value does not satisfy the predicate.

Try<T>!: a Try instance.