sdk-common / / Iterables


class Iterables

A collection of predefined general-purpose methods for working with Iterable.



static fun <A : Any!> allOf(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, predicate: Predicate<in A>): Boolean

Checks if all values of provided iterable satisfy given predicate


static fun <A : Any!> anyOf(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, predicate: Predicate<in A>): Boolean

Checks if any values of provided iterable satisfy given predicate


static fun <A : Any!> filter(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, predicate: Predicate<in A>): MutableIterable<A>

Returns an iterable consisting only of elements that satisfy the given predicate. As the method is working directly with iterables it needs to create one, thus it returns an ArrayList as an Iterable. If you want to get a different type please use Iterables#filter(Iterable, Supplier, Predicate) method instead.

static fun <A : Any!, C : MutableCollection<A>!> filter(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, supplier: Supplier<out C>, predicate: Predicate<in A>): C

Returns an iterable consisting only of elements that satisfy the given predicate. It is possible to specify the type of Iterable that should be returned.


static fun <A : Any!, B : Any!> flatMap(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, mapper: (A) -> MutableIterable<B>!): MutableIterable<B>

Returns an iterable consisting of elements that were mapped with a function that is capable of returning an iterable. As the method is working directly with an iterable it needs to create one, thus it returns an ArrayList as an Iterable. If you want to get a different type please use Iterables#flatMap(Iterable, Supplier, Function1) method instead.

static fun <A : Any!, B : Any!, C : MutableCollection<B>!> flatMap(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, supplier: Supplier<out C>, mapper: (A) -> MutableIterable<B>!): C

Returns an iterable consisting of elements that were mapped with a function that is capable of returning an iterable.


static fun <A : Any!, B : Any!> fold(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, initial: B, operator: (A, B) -> B): B

A higher-order function that takes a data structure, initial value and a combining operation to combine all the values into a single one.


static fun <A : Any!> forEach(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, consumer: Consumer1<A>): Unit

Performs the given action for each element of provided Iterable.

static fun <A : Any!> forEach(array: Array<A>, consumer: Consumer1<A>): Unit

Performs the given action for each element of provided array.

static fun <A : Any!> forEach(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, predicate: Predicate<A>, consumer: Consumer1<A>): Unit

Performs the given action for each element of the provided Iterable that satisfies the given Predicate.


static fun <T : Any!> getFirst(iterable: MutableIterable<T>): Try<T>

Returns Try.Success with first element of provided iterable or failure if iterable is empty.

static fun <T : Any!> getFirst(iterable: MutableIterable<T>, predicate: Predicate<T>): Try<T>!

Tries to find first Iterable element that satisfies the given predicate.


static fun <T : Any!> getLast(iterable: MutableIterable<T>): Try<T>

Returns Try with last element of provided iterable or failure if iterable is empty.

static fun <T : Any!> getLast(iterable: MutableIterable<T>, predicate: Predicate<T>): Try<T>

Tries to find last Iterable element that satisfies the given predicate.


static fun <A : Any!, B : Any!> lazyMap(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, mapper: (A) -> B): MutableIterable<B>

Returns a view containing the result of applying mapper to each element of iterable.


static fun <A : Any!, B : Any!> map(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, mapper: (A) -> B): MutableIterable<B>

Returns an iterable consisting of the results of applying the specified mapper to the elements of the given iterable. As the method is working directly with an iterable it needs to create one, thus it returns an ArrayList as an Iterable. If you want to get a different type please use Iterables#map(Iterable, Supplier, Function1) method instead.

static fun <A : Any!, B : Any!, C : MutableCollection<B>!> map(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, supplier: Supplier<out C>, mapper: (A) -> B): C

Returns an iterable consisting of the results of applying the specified mapper to the elements of the given iterable. It's possible to specify what underlying Iterable implementation should be returned as a result.


static fun <A : Any!> reduce(iterable: MutableIterable<A>, operator: (A, A) -> A): A

A higher-order function that takes a data structure and a combining operation to combine all the values in the said structure into a single one.