sdk-routing / / IReachableRangeQuery


@DeprecatedSince(2020, 6) interface IReachableRangeQuery
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java

Interface used to specify key parameters for a reachable range query such as an energy and fuel budget. Implemented in the default reachable range query builder ReachableRangeQueryBuilder.



abstract fun withDistanceBudgetInMeters(distanceBudgetInMeters: Double!): IReachableRangeQuery!

The distance budget in meters that determines the maximum range which can be traveled. The Consumption Model will only affect the range when the routeType is eco.


abstract fun withEnergyBudgetInKWh(energyBudgetInKWh: Double!): IReachableRangeQuery!

Electric energy budget in kilowatt hours (kWh) that determines the maximum range that can be traveled using the specified Electric Consumption Model. Required only for vehicles with an electric engine if #withTimeBudgetInSeconds(Double) is not used.


abstract fun withFuelBudgetInLiters(fuelBudgetInLiters: Double!): IReachableRangeQuery!

Fuel budget in liters that determines the maximum range that can be travelled using the specified Combustion Consumption Model. Required only for vehicles with a combustion engine if #withTimeBudgetInSeconds(Double) is not used.


abstract fun withTimeBudgetInSeconds(timeBudgetInSeconds: Double!): IReachableRangeQuery!

Time budget in seconds that determines the maximum range that can be traveled within a given time. The consumption parameters will only affect eco-routes and thereby indirectly affect the driving time. Required only if neither #withFuelBudgetInLiters(Double) nor #withEnergyBudgetInKWh(Double) are called.